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National Parsonage Grants Programme

The Charity makes grants to support parsonages of the Church of England and the Church in Wales.

Grants applications are made by the relevant diocese. Please note, we cannot accept applications from individual clergy or other denominations.

The Charity makes three different types of grant available to the dioceses for the support of parsonages. The property must be a clergy house which is subject to The Repair of Benefice Buildings Measure 1972 within the Church of England or the Church in Wales (but including the Diocese of Sodor and Man which is not covered by this Act) and be occupied by a Rector, Vicar, Team Rector, Team Vicar or Priest-in-charge.  This includes properties provided on a 'House for Duty' basis.

A) Grants for the purchase or improvement of a parsonage

Every year dioceses that have indicated that they require a grant will be allocated funds, calculated on the number of parsonages, for the purchase or improvement of a parsonage.
See Guidelines - National Parsonage Grants Programme for further information.

B) Grants for the installation of burglar alarms in a parsonage - online applications are open now

In 1991, as a result of the rising levels of violence which were experienced by parish clergy, the Trustees offered to support the purchase and installation of burglar alarms in parsonages. Each grant is for a maximum of £500. To the end of 2022, some £472,225 has been granted to support installations in 1,084 parsonages.

C) Grants for the installation of CCTV systems at a parsonage - online applications are open now

In 2001, the Trustees agreed to extend the above scheme to support the installation of CCTV systems in parsonages which were particularly at risk. Each grant is for up to £1,000. Since 2001, some £282,989 has been granted to support installations in 340 parsonages.

Applications for grants for burglar alarms and CCTV are open throughout the year.

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