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Church Restoration Grants

Anglican churches within the following dioceses may apply for a Church Restoration Grant:
  • Canterbury
  • Guildford
  • Lincoln
  • Southwark.

For technical reasons the parishes of North Woolwich and Staunton St Mary are also eligible.

For 2024, churches within the diocese of Rochester need to consult the diocese directly.

While grants are for building projects, Trustees want to support projects where the building works will benefit the mission and ministry of the church.

The dioceses are well placed to advise where grants may best be directed in order to support the strategic priorities. Therefore when an application is received, the relevant diocese will be invited by Marshall’s to supply a statement.

See Churches Restoration Grants Guidelines.

Meetings and deadlines

The Grants Committee meets three times each year. Applications which are shortlisted by the committee are then considered at the next full meeting of the trustees. The deadlines for submitting applications are as follows:


Date of Trustee meeting

8 March 2024 25 April 2024

24 May 2024

11 July 2024

30 August 2024 17 October 2024

Little Grimsby

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